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Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog

Is Your Heating System Ready for the Holidays?


Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and what many people consider “the most wonderful time of the year” is on its way. If you’re one of those people who put up their Christmas tree the day after Halloween, you’re probably looking forward to cooler weather and holiday festivities.

To maximize your enjoyment of the holiday season, a cozy home is essential. That’s why you should take 15 minutes from putting up those holiday decorations to decide if your heating system is ready for the holidays.

From scheduling a tune-up to changing the air filter, making sure your heating system will keep your family and guests comfortable is as easy as pumpkin pie. Let’s go over some tips on making sure your heating system is ready for the ho-ho-holidays. 

Schedule Heating Maintenance

Do you want to make sure your heating system doesn’t go down when your in-laws are visiting from out of town, during a holiday meal, when you’re decorating the tree, or on the coldest day of the year? Scheduling that annual heating tune-up is the best thing you can do to help ensure that your heating system doesn’t need an unexpected heating repair during the holiday season. 

Change the Air Filter

Your HVAC system’s air filter should always be changed at the start of the heating season. Starting the season with a clean filter helps your system run at peak efficiency. The filter’s job is to keep dirt, dust, and debris out of your heating system’s internal parts, keeping it working like a well-oiled machine.

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Do you love to shop for Black Friday deals? If you have an outdated thermostat, consider shopping for a smart thermostat upgrade. We can advise you on which type will work best with your existing system–and we can professionally install it for you!

A smart thermostat is an ideal way to maximize your heating system’s efficiency through precise temperature control. A Wi-Fi version provides even more benefits such as the ability to adjust the temperature from anywhere. For example, if you’re stuck at the mall on Black Friday and realize you forgot to turn the heat down, you’d be able to change the temperature remotely.

Inspect Your Vents and Ductwork

Did you know that up to 30% of the warm air your HVAC system generates can be lost to leaky ductwork? That’s a lot of money that could be spent on holiday fun! Take 10 minutes to look over the ductwork that’s visible in your home checking for holes, tears, and drafts, then give us a call if anything seems amiss.

Fall is also a great time to check your home’s vents and the area surrounding your heating system. Sometimes over the summer, items accumulate where they shouldn’t. Check your home’s vents to make sure nothing is blocking them. 

If any outdoor furniture, boxes, or lawn equipment has been placed around the perimeter of your heating system, move them elsewhere. Your vents and your heating system need proper airflow to work properly.

Covenant Heating and Cooling is your trusted resource for heating repair in Nashville, TN. We are “Dedicated to the Promise of Serving You!” Contact us today.

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