Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Nashville’

Signs Your Electrical Panel Needs Repair or Replacement

Monday, July 15th, 2024

If you’ve ever experienced a power outage (and you almost certainly have) you know exactly how life comes to a screeching halt without electricity. It’s the way we keep everything running, the way we stay connected to others and the world, and even the way we stay safe, with things like carbon monoxide detectors and home security systems. 

Despite how critical electricity is to our lives, we don’t always pay much attention to how it gets to our various appliances and electronics. But we should! Your electrical panel keeps things flowing safely and effectively, so everything that needs power gets what it requires. How long has your electrical panel been doing this job? Is it having problems? Would you even have noticed? What should you do about it? We’ve got the answers.

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The Sounds and Smells of an Air Conditioner in Need of Service

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Prompt repair is the way to keep AC problems from getting worse, and to prevent a total breakdown. You certainly don’t want that to happen in Tennessee in July! So how can you watch out for AC issues and catch them right away? Well, the key is not to watch. Use your ears and your nose. Air conditioners in need of service often make strange noises and bad smells. Here are the details.

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Don’t Forget AC Maintenance Before the Heat Hits

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

There’s no doubt that, in our climate, you want your air conditioner to be ready for summer. In particular, July’s average daily high temperature is 90 degrees. If that heat hits, and your air conditioner is unreliable or ineffective, you’ll be desperate to get it fixed. Avoid all that by scheduling AC maintenance now. 

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Exposed Wires? Here’s What to Do

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Electrical problems are not something to ignore or postpone dealing with. The potential consequences of a serious electrical issue are simply too severe to risk. One of the problems that poses a particularly serious electrical hazard is exposed wires. Is this an issue in your home? How can you tell? What should you do?

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It’s Time to Address the Elephant in Your Ducts

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Perhaps you only pay attention to the air that is currently in the rooms of your home. Do you ever think about where it comes from? Before it exits your vents, it’s been flowing through your ductwork. And whatever is lurking within that ductwork, the air brings a bit of it along for the ride. Now it’s floating around your home!

Is this something you should avoid thinking about or discussing? No! Don’t let it be an elephant in the room. If something unpleasant lurks in your ducts and contaminates your air, it’s time for duct cleaning. How can you tell if it’s necessary? Here are the signs.

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Why Are My Circuits Constantly Tripping?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

It can be so frustrating: you try to turn something on and it acts like it has no power even though it’s plugged in. Or you’re trying to vacuum when suddenly the vacuum cleaner dies. You have to go to the electrical panel and reset the circuit breaker… again. How often has this been happening?

It’s normal for a circuit to be tripped on occasion. But when it happens a lot, you shouldn’t ignore it. Constantly tripping circuits can be an indicator of a variety of electrical problems. What could be going on? We’ll explain all about it.

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A New Homeowner’s Guide to Generators

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Tennessee is a beautiful place to live. In Nashville, you’ve got all the culture and music you could ask for, with gorgeous countryside a short distance away. Sadly, though, Tennessee is ranked pretty poorly for safety, and one of the major reasons for this has to do with the weather. Tornadoes in the spring and summer and hail and ice storms in the winter can cause major hazards… and power outages. 

When you rent your home, your landlord is responsible for making sure your building stays safe. Purchasing a home means that anything that happens to or in your home is your responsibility. What can new homeowners do to stay safe and prepare for emergencies? We recommend a generator, and there are some things you should know before purchasing one.

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What’s the Difference Between a Breaker Box and an Electrical Panel?

Monday, February 26th, 2024

It can be hard for homeowners—especially newer homeowners—to decipher all the information they should have about their homes’ systems. You may have heard a lot of terms about heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and electricity without knowing exactly what each one refers to. But the more you know, the better you can care for your home, so it’s worth doing the research.

Sometimes, with a little bit of knowledge, you’ll discover that things are simpler than you’d thought they were. You’ve surely heard of breaker boxes and electrical panels. What exactly are they, and what is the difference between them? Here’s what you should know.

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Avoid HVAC Repairs Through HVAC Maintenance

Monday, January 15th, 2024

HVAC system maintenance is seen as something that HVAC contractors fob off on unsuspecting homeowners as a way to make money. However, we want to assure you that this simply isn’t the case. It’s an undeniable fact that investing in routine maintenance will result in you spending less money on your HVAC equipment. 

You might be wondering why on Earth any business would tell its customers that there’s a guaranteed way to spend less money on the services they provide. Well, that’s how we earn the trust of our customers. We don’t want you to pay for repairs or an early system replacement that could’ve been avoided.

No matter what type of system you have, let’s go over how signing up for our Covenant Care Plan will result in the need for fewer HVAC repairs in Nashville, TN.

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Leave Ceiling Fan Repairs to Professional Electricians

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Many homes in Nashville, TN, use ceiling fans to both increase home comfort levels, boost aesthetics, and provide necessary lighting. A ceiling fan may seem like a simple system, but unlike a portable fan or a lamp, they’re more complex than they seem.

When it comes to ceiling fan repair, you should always rely on a professional electrician for their care. You don’t want to risk further damage to the ceiling fan itself or even worse–potentially injure yourself via electrocution or falling off a ladder. Leave the following ceiling fan repairs to us.

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