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Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog

Allergy Season Is Among Us: Is Your Home Ready?

woman-blowing-noseNashville homeowners often don’t realize that the quality of their indoor air can be worse than that of outdoors. This is because homes today are constructed so they are tightly sealed—this is great news for your HVAC efficiency, but it also means contaminants get trapped inside, where they cause allergy and asthma symptoms for occupants.

Nashville ranks in the top 30 Allergy Capitals of the U.S.

Nashville residents are no strangers to allergies, but did you know that we’re one of the top cities in the U.S. that suffers from them most severely?

Your Pets Get Allergies Too!

The human occupants of your home aren’t the only ones who can be impacted by allergens in the home. Pets are affected too! Although, instead of having symptoms like we do—sneezing, upper respiratory distress, watery eyes—dogs and cats tend to suffer from skin-related allergies, which leads to costly vet bills and uncomfortable animals.

Protect Your Whole Family with the Right Indoor Air Quality Products

There are a number of methods used to reduce allergens and improve the quality of your indoor air. These include:

  • Whole-House Air Filtration Systems: More powerful than the standard HVAC air filter, these systems successfully eliminate the majority of allergens from the air in your living space.
  • Air Purifiers: There are different types of air purifiers. Electronic and mechanical air filters help remove common allergens from your air, while UV air purifiers attack microorganisms lurking in your ducts before they have a chance to enter your living space.
  • Duct Cleaning: Regular air duct cleaning can help eliminate much of the debris that causes allergic reactions in your household.

Covenant Heating and Cooling provides exceptional indoor air quality products and services throughout Nashville and beyond. Contact us now to learn more!

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