Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

The Sounds and Smells of an Air Conditioner in Need of Service

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Prompt repair is the way to keep AC problems from getting worse, and to prevent a total breakdown. You certainly don’t want that to happen in Tennessee in July! So how can you watch out for AC issues and catch them right away? Well, the key is not to watch. Use your ears and your nose. Air conditioners in need of service often make strange noises and bad smells. Here are the details.

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Don’t Forget AC Maintenance Before the Heat Hits

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

There’s no doubt that, in our climate, you want your air conditioner to be ready for summer. In particular, July’s average daily high temperature is 90 degrees. If that heat hits, and your air conditioner is unreliable or ineffective, you’ll be desperate to get it fixed. Avoid all that by scheduling AC maintenance now. 

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The Importance of Commercial AC Maintenance

Monday, August 28th, 2023
air conditioning installation on rooftop with technician

The temperature of your commercial space’s indoor air can make or break a business. Customers won’t want to linger in a store that’s hot and stuffy. Tenants can’t live in housing where the air conditioner has broken down. The last thing you want as a business owner is frantic calls from employees after “business hours” that the commercial air conditioning in your building isn’t working. 

Just like with residential air conditioners, regular maintenance is the absolute best way to maintain your commercial cooling systems. However, you can’t rely on a residential HVAC company for this essential service. You need a team with extensive experience maintaining commercial AC and that team is us. Let’s go over the importance of commercial AC maintenance.

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It’s Halfway Through Summer, Do You Need AC Repair?

Monday, June 5th, 2023

While other parts of the country are just turning their air conditioners on for the first time this year, that’s certainly not the case here. Now that we’re halfway through the cooling season, how would you rate your AC’s performance? Keep in mind that there’s no such thing as an “A for effort” when it comes to your AC.

If you’re disappointed in your AC’s performance or even worse, worried that it might not make it through the rest of the summer without a breakdown or interruption in service, keep reading. Let’s look at 4 tell-tale signs that you need air conditioning repair in Nashville, TN sooner rather than later.  

Having AC problems quickly checked out by a professional HVAC technician is essential for 2 reasons. Not only does it help keep a minor issue from becoming a major problem, but it’ll also guard against a complete breakdown in service.  

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Freezing Up?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

We’ve discovered there are two typical schools of thought when it comes to an air conditioner developing ice all of the sudden:

  1. Well, it’s a refrigeration system, so ice is supposed to form like this, right? or
  2. Um, it’s the middle of summer, this isn’t normal–what’s wrong with my AC?

The latter is the school of thought we hope you have when you see ice forming anywhere on your air conditioner. Because it’s true, ice development on an air conditioner is not normal.

Fortunately, we have an explanation for why this occurs as well as a solution for you so it never happens again and threatens your comfort and your home’s structural integrity. Read on to learn more!

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How Many Hours a Day Can I Run My AC?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

It’s time to plan for summer! Soon enough, we’ll have consistently warm temperatures, and that means you need to have a fully functional air conditioner running pretty much 24/7.

“Wait,” you might be wondering, “Can I run my air conditioner 24/7?”

The answer is, “yes and no.” We get it, that’s a frustrating response, but bear with us! We will elaborate.

You see, there’s no problem having your air conditioner set to “cool” 24/7 during the summer. The “problem” arises when you set your thermostat so low that your air conditioner can’t possibly reach the desired setting, and therefore the compressor keeps cycling on and even staying on when it shouldn’t. This is what gets inefficient and leads to exacerbated wear and tear.

Read on as we teach you about something called the temperature differential and learn how to use your cooling system in the best and most efficient way possible!

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Your Guide to Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, June 20th, 2022

Before you get too enthusiastic, we need to clarify–this is not a “how-to” guide. We generally do not recommend that homeowners do any repairs on their air conditioners themselves. Aside from changing the air filter or tightening a loose screw on a panel of the outdoor unit of the cooling system, trying to resolve repair needs on your own can do more harm than good, and leave you needing to call in a professional anyway.

What this is a guide for is the most common questions that come up in regards to air conditioning repairs–like how long they’ll last and why that matters, how much AC repairs cost, and if AC repairs can be prevented. Read on to learn the answers to these questions.

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“Which Air Conditioning System Is Best for My Home?”

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

With temperatures already warming up, if you’re asking which air conditioner is best for your home now, chances are that you need it pretty urgently. That said, this is definitely a purchase you don’t want to just rush into, as that can leave you with an inefficient or improperly installed cooling system.

If you’ve stumbled across this blog post, it probably means that you already understand this shouldn’t be a rushed decision. In that case, read on to uncover the different types of air conditioners we install and service, and what their different features and benefits are.

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Questionable Noises Your Air Conditioner Should Never Make

Monday, May 9th, 2022

When your air conditioner runs, it isn’t completely silent. You may hear a majority of sounds when your unit turns on and off. Minimal noise is usually OK, but there are some sounds that indicate something is wrong. But how do you know the difference between good and bad sounds coming from your air conditioner? 

There are five sounds your air conditioning unit should never make. If you hear one of these sounds, it’s time to call in an expert. A certified air conditioning technician can troubleshoot the sounds to determine the cause and fix the problem. Addressing concerns early on can help to prevent additional damage to your unit. 

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How to Use Your Air Conditioner More Efficiently This Year

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Summer is around the corner. When your home starts to get hot you want your AC unit to work right every time to cool down your home or business. Air conditioning makes your space comfortable, but that’s not the most important factor. A cool space also ensures that all of your belongings are well-kept and don’t sustain damage from heat and humidity.

Even if your air conditioner runs and cools, do you know if it is working efficiently? There are ways that you can help your AC unit run efficiently. This leads to less stress on your unit and a potentially lower power bill thanks to less energy use. 

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